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Flamingo Close Up

I am currently a professor of Comparative Literature (English, French, Arabic) at the University Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Oran 2 in Algeria. I have earned a PhD in Comparative Literature on Sufism in Algeria and Transcendentalism in the United States. My field of interest is comparative literature with a focus on postcolonial Africa and the challenge between remembering and forgetfulness. I am also interested in literary theories dealing with questions of gender and identity in literary discourse.

My curriculum vitae 

Awards & Fellowships

June-July 2012

SUSI Award

Participation in contemporary American Literature in the Louisville University (Kentucky, USA) The program is  a response both to contemporary society and to earlier work in literature and other arts, philosophy, and criticism.

October, 2012

AULP Scholarship

Participation in a program called (AULP)  on the improvement of skills in writing doctoral dissertations in literature SIT Institute, Vermont, USA

Hyderabad, India 10-14 December 2018

Participation in “Global Southern Epistemologies” in  Hyderabad, India 10-14 December 2018”  sponsored by the British Academy and the University of Birmingham.


June, 2014

Mohamed Ben Ahmed University, Oran 2

Accreditation (habilitation)


Université Oran 1

Ph.D. in comparative Literature. The thesis is on Sufism in West Algeria and Transcendentalism in Concord in the East of the United States (19th century) Title: Transcendentalism and Sufism: the First Light of Two Similar Dawns.

June, 2008

Abdelhamid University, Mostaganem

Magister in “Language Literature and Civilisation”, with a thesis entitled Metaphor: A Settled Scene in the world of Rhetoric an Enigma in the World of Language Teaching, in the Faculty of Letters, Languages and Arts, University of Mostaganem

June, 2004 in Oran University

B.A:  in the Faculty of Letters, Languages and Arts University of Oran 2004, (second of the four years) with an end of degree dissertation entitled: “Seeds of Anger in Faulkner’s Absalom Absalom!” under the direction of Mrs. Milena Dragojevic.


My syllabuses

September, 2009 up to now

Lecturer of English Literature, Oran 2 University

Lecturer of English Literature, Oran 2 University

Lecturer of English Literature

September, 2012

Doctoral Studies syllabus

Master 2 syllabus

Analysis of Literary Texts

September, 2014

Didactics and the Teaching of Literature

Teaching didactics and literature for Master 1 and 2 SLDA and literature for undergraduate and post-graduate students.

Third Year Syllabus

Master 1 syllabus

Second Year  syllabus


September 2020

“Hybridity and Otherness in Algerian Postcolonial Literature” 


Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Journal (SHE Journal)

Volume 1 (3) 103 – 112, September 2020 | ISSN: 2720-9946 (Online) | ISSN: 2723-3626 (Print) The article is published with Open Access at:

March 2018

"L’Emir Abd el-kader, Cheikh Al Alawi: Deux Pensées en Avance sur leur Temps"

published in Hamsa. Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies 4 (March, 2018)pp. 139-144

June, 2016

“Romain Rolland: un Transcendentaliste Français?”

“Romain Rolland: un Transcendentaliste Français?”pp. 89-99. Paper published in Roudil, Roland. Romain Rolland et l'Inde: un échange fructueux: Célébration du Centenaire du Prix Nobel de Littérature de Romain Rolland. Dijon: Editions universitaires de Dijon, ISBN: 9782364411920 2364411920

July, 2016

“Creativity and Education”

“Creativity and Education” in Revue Cost. N° 17. July. 2016  p 118-128 (ISSN 1112-5187).

February 2016

“Metaphor: the Last Confidential Key”

June, 2013

“Metaphor: the Last Confidential Key” in Revue Progrés. N° 4. Février 2016. p. 16 - p 24.  (ISSN: 2335 – 1721)

“L’Emir Abd-el-Kader et Cheikh Al Alawi: Deux Esprits Laïques de  l’Algérie du 19éme Siècle”

A book chapter in a French work entitled  « Education et Sécularisme : Perspectives Africaines et Asiatiques », published by Evelyne Hanquart-Turner and Ludmila Volnà in L’Harmattan: Paris, 2013, p. 107- 124. ISBN 978-2-343- 01916-1

January, 2012

“Metaphors of Redemption”

in Revue Cost. N° 10.  p 161- 168  (ISSN 1112-5187).

June, 2012


“Qu’est-ce qu’une Métaphore: Censure ou Confession?"

A book chapter in “Textes Mystiques, Discours Identitaires” published by Monique Heritier et François Robert in L’Harmattan: Paris, 2012 p131-149.  ISBN: 978-2-296-99463-8

January, 2010


« La Métaphore Entre Enseignement Autoritaire et Enseignement Libre »

in Revue Cost. N° 8. Janvier 2010  p 117- 123 (ISSN 1112-5187).

June, 2008


“A Woman in Black”

Published by Dorrance Publishing CO.  2008. (ISBN: 978-0-8059-7701-1)


My emails :

linkedin : Ghenim Neema







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